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Blog by David Lorimer
By David Lorimer and Marianne van Mierlo

Marianne en David
4 mei 20213 minuten om te lezen
Raising the Bar
Some of you will have attended the recent webinar with Prof Jeffrey Kripal talking about his new book The Flip. He defines a ‘flip’ as an...
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Marianne en David
4 mei 20213 minuten om te lezen
Heresy, Dissidence and Authority
So-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ are the new heretics and dissidents. This weaponised and derogatory term was invented by the CIA in the...
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Marianne en David
4 mei 20212 minuten om te lezen
Meaning and Mental Resilience
In the summer of 1983, I spent a day of strange and stark contrasts, visiting Goethe’s elegant house in Weimar in the morning and...
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Marianne en David
4 mei 20212 minuten om te lezen
Polarity and Polarisation
I spent the summer of 1973 at the University of Grenoble, a delightful city that was also the home of Hector Berlioz. One of the books I...
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Marianne en David
4 mei 20212 minuten om te lezen
Affirming our Humanity
The 1955 Russell-Einstein Manifesto on nuclear weapons concludes with the following words: “Remember your humanity, and forget the rest....
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